Saturday, December 19, 2009

Where IS the power of prayer?

I notice that people focus on Prayer and God and it is usually around "not so good circumstances" like illness or death.
My question IS Why not PRAY EVERYDAY, in a GOOD way? Appreciate AND Pray!
Pray Everyday - to elevate the energy (food) that you put
into your body.
Pray Everyday - for guidance in your everyday affairs & goodness
Pray an appreciation for what you have, what you are doing, where you are going right now!

Keep your prayers LIGHT AND FREE AND be open to RECEIVING the answers, the answer may not come to you in the "obvious" way, the answer can take on many different forms.
Source, God, Universe has a sense of humor AND ALWAYS gives you what you ask for and then some. So, what are you ASKING for?

Disregard the "HOW" just "ALLOW" AND "KNOW" that IT is on its way!

"be happy where you are and watch where it takes you"

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Can YOU relate?

As you select your way through your human-ness you will pick and choose your experiences & "relationships”, these relationships validate your experiences in this time space reality.

Relationships give you the KNOWING of your expansion. You can compare this to a date stamp or a stamp that you get when you go to a club it says “i was here”.

The validation or lack of validation gives you a stepping off place for what you want and what you do not want. You become everything - the true you - the human you is absorbing.

Learning, relearning, growing - this is a way for the true you to: “stretch” to expand to create to become.

Without relationships we would not create “situations” to make us happy & joyful (or not).

You understand that to know what you want you must know what you do not want & the beauty of this is not every person wants the same thing.

When you focus on what you want and what makes you feel good in a relationship, you get more of that!
When you focus on what you do not want and what does not make you feel good, you get more of that. This is true in ALL relationships.

You find the balance when you understand how it all works - it is very easy, very simple and as human some are wanting to BE “so right” they do not realize they just need to BE happy/become joy!

Anticipate AND find the JOY in any relationship will make that relationship more delicious, more happy, more FUN!!

Intend for “all is well” and it will be... tend to the most important relationship of all and that is YOU relating to YOU!!


Friday, October 23, 2009

A Little Inspiration!!

This day is almost done and today I have witnessed, participated and acknowledge a beautiful co-creation/manifestation.
I AM aware of the amazing gifts and beauty this little person has to offer.
I look forward to the lessons she will teach me and those whose lives she will touch.
She is not even 1 day old in physical form yet she has touched so many and for many their lives will be very different from here on out.
Her energy creates worlds and softens hearts.
She is truly amazing and total proof that when you THINK you HAVE IT ALL, life opens up and hands you another gift of love, AND life truly does get better and better when you BELIEVE it IS better and better.
To my children who are my teachers and my inspiration, I AM better for having you in my life.
I AM appreciating my beautiful family, a gift beyond measure and a love so big there is no true words to describe the feeling, it IS just that, A Feeling and I Love You!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Ready Now?

You are here to RE-discover what YOU already KNOW as source energy.
You grow EVERY time from this experience-regardless of the knowledge of what you are all calling "The Secret".
There is no good or bad, there is only contrast. It is all very simple yet as humans we make it complicated.
I say "we" as "we" are both human and non-human-ALWAYS existing ALWAYS here, WE understand everything so when we are in this physical form we "shut off" the greater have the greater knowing and BE physical would not be "fun".
You would have no contrast, no growth, AND "we" would BE "boring" with no "new" experiences and THAT IS why we are here, that is why we are physical, this IS the visceral experience, the delicious part of living as physical human.
You are so wanting this "humanness" like you want a ride on a roller coaster, chocolate or anything that makes your mouth salivate.
This is the idea of what it is like when you are conscious and aware AND infinite KNOWING ALL and KNOWING that you are projecting yourself into physical form.
Regardless of the contrast, regardless of the obstacles, regardless of the negativity because THAT is the spice of humanness... never good, never bad... JUST ENERGY & CONTRAST AND A WHOLE LOT OF FUN!
It makes the world go 'round .... LITERALLY!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Here are the basics of what I KNOW!!!

I am a creation of something bigger than myself, I am connected with this thing, I AM this thing, call IT what you want, let no one person deter you from that path YOU CHOOSE!! I call that thing Source, that thing goes by Universe source, Allah, Buddha, the Divine, Goddess, God, you get the picture.

Ok so I am part of this source, I AM Source, I created myself (?!) YES, I created myself to be the physical, be in the physical place that I call reality, yet this is an illusion, like Matrix, just not so harsh and complicated. I AM plugged in to me. I AM a deliberate creator(or can be, I AM always creating, sometimes not so deliberate). I AM coming from a place of KNOWING where I came from AND it IS all wonderful. I say I AM as we are all the same, so as you read this the I AM IS YOU!

Now, step back from what you just read…how does it make you feel? Does it sound right to you? Do you KNOW what I am writing, do you KNOW that you KNOW, or do you keep yourself apart from the YOU that IS truly YOU??!!

Now ask a question of yourself AND FEEL the answer..

Choose to line up with the KNOWING

Monday, October 5, 2009

The One Sure Thing

Many times, we, in our human state want everything to stay as it is
AND the only thing we can be sure of is there will be change in our
lives. It is how gracefully we handle that change that will create our
lives, we can go into the change kicking and screaming, again, that
serves no one, or we can relax into it, knowing that change is good,
sometimes we may not see the good in it at the moment AND when we
become aware, we will see that the very change that we cursed can
really be our blessing, so if you can know that in advance you will
set YOUR INTENTION for a better outcome, a better now...BE the change!

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Your ability to create goes way beyond what you can imagine.
You have the capacity to BE, DO and HAVE all that you would ever want-
It IS a choice, It IS a KNOWING.
It IS choosing how you "feel" about everything.
Let your feelings be your guide.
You have the ability to face your contrast and pivot and turn how you "feel", this works through the contrast so you move on-

choices, choices.
We truly do have it all!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Just BEing

To have come from a place of lack and hopelessness TO a place of amazement for everyday LIFE-
To just BE in the midst of what some would call "boring" - WHAT do I see?

The sky, EVERDAY, BEAUTIFUL HUES of blue & blue grays- some days orange, purple, some days incredible clouds floating about-
The trees & foliage all green with spattering of color, each unique AND PERFECT-

Enjoy these simple EVERYDAY AMAZING things-
BE AWARE of them EVERDAY - simply bask in them, EVERDAY-

A childs smile, creativity on all levels- to be with family & friends - not owing - not doing - not cleaning - JUST BE-

BE in the JOURNEY of everyday
BE in the JOY of life
BE in the contrast and bless it for making you aware of what you already knew
BE SILENT in the caous
BE HAPPY in the rain
KNOW your extreme wellness - Even in the pain
LIVE for yourself - THEN you can pass IT on

Thursday, September 3, 2009

It IS ...

It is not about a specific outcome. It is about awareness and the ease. It is about asking and letting go. It is about joy and love.
Be present in the moment.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

"The 7 Days of Play"

During the next 7 days, pay close attention to what you say, and how you FEEL when you are speaking.
Pay attention to your thoughts, what are you saying when you are "saying" nothing at all (Just thinking).

When you FEEL yourself feeling not good about what you are thinking or you emotionally get caught up in a conversation (in a not pleasant way), make a conscious effort to change, what you are saying AND thinking.
Here is an example, as I am writing this, the first thought that entered was "7 Day Challenge". The word challenge didn't FEEL so good to me, I didn't want to make this a difficult thing, I just wanted to make it FUN.
So I changed my "challenge" to "Play", much nicer I think!!

I play at this all the time, take a moment, change a word or two or reword an entire sentence. Get rid of some not so pleasant words you use on a daily basis ... I can't, I won't, I NEED TO...., soften these up...if you have children, notice what you say to them AND around them, they are absorbing everything!!
Here are some other ideas I tossed around.
7 Days of Support (To me this sounds kind of heavy)
7 Days of True Answers (I like this one too AND how many will listen? AAAh, you may have a few epiphanies)

Have fun, keep a little journal of some breakthroughs.
I would love to hear of any inspirations, discoveries, whammies, unveiling visions (Pick a word that FEELS good to you!!)
Life IS what you make it!!
Have FUN!!!
"be happy where you are and watch where it takes you"

Friday, July 31, 2009

What's Going Good for You?

Interesting question, yes? Different? It FEELs different, makes you take a look see AND you can FEEL GOOD answering!
Sooooo, What's Going Good for you today?
What are you appreciating today? Right now?
Have a GREAT DAY!!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Living your future now!

I was invited to a presentation recently and the presenter said something that didn't resonate first she said "You are living your future now".
My understanding that we do a lot of things based on our past and our "programs" by parents, teachers etc. AND as we realize this we start to change our ways of thinking and start to override our current thoughts, this of course creates feelings/emotions, changing our vibration (energy level, because we are all energy) and this brings on changes in you, your life...your future.
Do you KNOW that every time you think you create?
You LIVE the residual of your past thoughts, right now.... so as you begin to THINK BETTER FEELING THOUGHTS, you WILL see an improvement in your physical existence, your NOW.
BE appreciative of the NOW, even though you THINK, it may not be perfect, it IS all you have, until you THINK it different.
Give yourself KUDOS for the small successes as well as the big successes. Open yourself up to all that IS possible AND all that IS right now in this moment.
"You are where you are, at it's ok!"

Just Being ...

BE in the journey of everyday-
BE in the joy of life-
BE in the contrast and bless it for making you more aware of what you already knew-
BE silent in the chaos-
BE happy in the rain-
KNOW your extreme wellness, even in the pain-
LIVE for yourself, only then can you "pass it on" -
LOVE unconditionally, now, the game of life you have won-

Sunday, July 19, 2009

i gotta whole bag of Shhh, if you need some help...

I have been fascinated by Reiki and have been really paying attention to what is happening and my FEELINGS.
I found this simple technique to be quite AMAZING with "Letting Go" of negative "stuff" in my life....
Try it out and see how you feel. Give your self at least 10-15 minutes a day....twice a day if possible..

1. Be QUIET (Shut up). Shhh, not a word - it's not necessary.
2. Listen. Shhh, not a word, be quiet - it comes as a whisper.
3. Slow down. Shhh, not a word. Right now there is nothing else you need ‘to do’. Just ‘be’ here, now.
4. Observe. Shhh, be silent.

SEE colors, movements, shadows, mannerisms, spaces, time, grass grow.

LISTEN to noise, silence, whispers on the wind, your breath, your inner voice...

If you have trouble quieting your mind at first, put on some relaxing music and just LISTEN.

Can't be quiet cold turkey? Try this..

Get yourself something to drink...juice, coffee, tea AND SIP IT!! Don't gulp, take time to enjoy...IN SILENCE

Pet an animal...IN SILENCE. You actually don't need to verbally communicate with your pets, they "sense" your energy and will respond accordingly...

Take time for you and see how easily your life flows!!


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Power Of Sound. Using Music to Transform Your Meditation and Your Life by Paul Hoffman

* Music can calm you thus counteracting the negative impact of stress.
* Music activates various areas within the brain, it captivates and maintains attention so that learning is enhanced when the whole brain is engaged.
* Music increases the endorphin level within the body to increase euphoric feelings.
* When the melody and harmony of a song produces a positive mood, the listener feels more energetic.
* Repetitive learning embedded within music engages the mind. Increasing the creation of new neuro-pathways.
* Song lyrics can generate positive, empowering, and uplifting feelings, creating actions that support your passion, purpose and vision.
* Music therapy is being used with success in medical settings and has been beneficial in pain management as well as treatment for learning disabilities. The use of music has been of value in patients with Alzheimers Disease.
* Music’s ability to relax the listener produces enhanced physiology such as lower blood pressure, better heart functioning, and reduced tension in muscles.
* Music aids in memory retention and shifting how one thinks

Attitude Shifters

* When you wake up each morning, connect with your Inner Spirit and write down 3 things that you are grateful for. This will get you out of your head and into your heart.

* Stand in front of a mirror, look yourself in the eye and tell yourself how much you believe in and love yourself.

* Create some quiet time for yourself and plan out the three goals you want to accomplish for the day. Quality not quantity is important here. Knowing what you want creates clarity and focus.

* Create a daily affirmation that will lead to setting an intention for your day that empowers you.

* Practice visualization so you can see what you want to create

* Find a program that helps you go deeper in your daily practice of meditation.

* Each morning, use these tools to effortlessly move you into a state of mind that opens you up to the infinite possibility of who you are.

* During your day, listen to empowering music that affirms the brilliant genius of who you are.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Do Nothing, Get Something!

Just KNOW that this IS your journey and you don't have to DO anything.
By letting go and letting all resistance go, you CAN HAVE IT ALL!!

Become AWARE of what contrast is and use it to your advantage (more on this later)

Step back from pushing against, be open to what IS.

Think the thoughts (ok, so think a little or alot) of how you want your life to be, not just in one aspect but in all aspects... SEE YOURSELF as HAPPY, HEALTHY, WEALTHY and WISE, regardless of where you are and how you THINK others perceive you.

There is only one YOU! You are UNIQUE!

Awareness = Learning = Expansion = Knowing

You are where you are AND it is OK!

"be happy where you are and watch where it takes you"

Saturday, June 6, 2009

The answer to getting what you want..

The answer is so simple, you may not BELIEVE me....
The answer IS to pay attention to WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT and

If I told you that all you had to do was "Change your mind" AND "You will change how you feel" AND it will change your life....could you believe it?

Start paying attention to your Mind Chatter, what are you saying to yourself on the inside?
When you say these things, how does it make you Feel?

These two things ARE THE KEY, to getting what you want!

Here are some steps to getting what you want:

Step 1:
You must be happy NOW and appreciate what you have NOW, in order to get to where you want to go....

What are you appreciating right now?
What do you appreciate everyday?
Become aware of this, appreciate everyday, even if it is the smallest thing...

Step 2:
Stop telling the "Stories" about "lack", "sadness", "illness".
Start telling a DIFFERENT story, tell the story of how you want your life to be and get into the place of KNOWING that you can have it.
Do not say "I could never have that..." that will CANCEL OUT THE GOOD.

You are the only one that can make YOU happy.
No one else KNOWS what is going on in your head and if you are relying on someone else for your happiness, that will be short lived.
You create your own reality, don't blame someone else if you are not happy.
Your insides (thoughts and feelings) will create your outside world!

Step 4
Become aware of good things as they happen to you.
When they happen, fully appreciate them, this tells the universe, "more of this please".

Start with these 4 steps and see what happens in a week, 2 weeks, 4...etc.

As always "be happy where you are and watch where it takes you" 'cause life just keeps getting better and better!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Right? or Happy?

Whenever you feel despair, depression or negative emotion, it is the self going against the Self, yes, it is a struggle of the ego...back to the "I'd rather be right than happy" and we know who will eventually win, even if the winning is in the physical croaking and then you (source you) has to BE HAPPY, as Source does not KNOW despair, only that going AGAINST Source FEELS despair....
Let go of the resistance of the situation "you are where you are" and
that is ok, it has to be, it IS all you have.
Once you STOP FIGHTING where you are, all things WILL COME TO YOU...IT IS LAW, Law of Attraction!
Each individual person Knows what is to "walk in their own shoes" they
are the ONLY ONES, no one other human can make you happy, if you think
someone else is responsible for your happiness, then it will be a short lived happiness...if we stay happy within ourselves, it will be a domino effect and that happiness will be all around us, we will
attract attracts like...
To sum it up, when you feel negative emotion you are disconnected from Source,
you just aren't plugged in and you are fighting your TRUE self.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Our cup runneth over, pass out the straws!!

Life is meant to be lived to the fullest. I notice that the BEST of the best times is when EVERYTHING is happening! studio, my art, my print shop, my family!
We are in full swing at the print studio and everyone is waking up and coming alive.
I bless all of this, I bless the mess AND the creativity. The frantic clients AND the most accommodating ones!
I wonder how we are going to do all the stuff that we do and want to do, then I remind myself that i don't have to know how, i just need to KNOW WHAT i want to accomplish and create, and Source handles the details.
i am ALWAYS so amazed at who shows up and what shows up!
I KNOW that Divine Source runs through EVERYONE and EVERYTHING!
Really KNOWING this is AMAZING and living it is awesome!!!
"be happy where you are and watch where it takes you!!"
more rantings from me, check out

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

YEAH! PRE-sents!

Do you ever watch children play? Do you see their enthusiasm & hunger for life?
They see life as a big adventure! The world is their playground… and they are going to take advantage of this awesome playground! They believe they can do anything they want to do!

They step out into this playground everyday with the eyes of newness. They see things that many adults just don’t bother to see anymore. They look at the sky and see fun things in the clouds, they look at flowers, oh so beautiful (even when adults consider them weeds). They don’t hesitate to explore and have fun, sometimes they have absolutely NO FEAR! They laugh at some of the weirdest things and they exaggerate things and sometimes make up big stories, they use their imagination and create imaginary worlds and scenarios.

I am celebrating today as my seeing life through the eyes of a child birthday and I hope you will join me.

It is time to Tell A New Story About Your Life, use your imagination, let it soar, play “what if” for the better.

On this day we must realize that everyTHING that is in our experience IS PRE-sent. First it was a thought and then it became a thing. Yes, I know there are some things in our experience that we are not happy with, and as we focus on THAT, THAT will continue in our experience because whatever we call attention to, it becomes our reality.

On this day I say “Let IT go”, let all the resistance go. As we continue to let go of the things we do not want in our experience, it will also open up space for new experiences in our life. By giving up, we are actually receiving.

Give yourself the gift of being open to receive new experiences and being OK with anything that is “different” then our normal routine. Always KNOW, you cannot control outside circumstances until you get control of your inside. Take a moment, what are you telling your self, are you caught up in “stories”.
Enjoy your day!
Enjoy Life!
"be happy where you are and watch were it takes you"
anna banguilan

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Sometimes ya gotta Bless The Mess!

I've been spending some much loved time with my family and as I watch things unfold around me, and through me, I see myself letting go in areas that I "thought" I would never "let go" and I see myself smiling and sometimes crying at "the little things" that just are...
I was watching a video lately and it was like the BIGGEST A HA moment, someone said "nothing "works" in nature" the key word is WORK. It seems that we or maybe just me has been "working"...working to succeed, working to learn more, working to keep busy, and working things into a bit of a mess.
A mess that was created by me, for me to get me where I am now, WOW! Literal mess? sometimes, Thought mess? hmm, what am I thinking about, what are you thinking about. Can you see the direct relationship to the thoughts and what your life looks like?
In the past 18 months I have switched my word "work" to "play" and that I do, play, everyday, and as I spend time with my family, playing, playing, playing, I look back, just for a moment, and I bless the thought mess, because without it I wouldn't have todays blessings!
Enjoy your life NOW, "be happy where you are and watch where it takes you"
Oh PS once you realize that the thought mess has created your life up til now, can you imagine where you will be once you "master your thoughts" to create the life of your dreams?

Saturday, April 11, 2009

It's All About Me & God Too!

I was reading through an old book that was given to me by my cousin called "All About Me". I chuckled at some of the comments I made over 9 years ago. Interesting how revisiting that book made me realize how I view things NOW. Of course my "prized possession" my cat has since passed on, he is still around just not quite so furry but still a warm fuzzy. Then I read under describe God:I wrote "A higher entity of energy & love that gives guidance and support". Then I read under if God speaks to you, what did God tell you?: "Not directly, God guides me in an unspoken way, I praise God for where I am"
Now that I KNOW that God/the universe, works through me, I Know that I have always KNOWN there IS more, I CAN be more, I CAN DO more.
Take a moment, have your conversation with God, or Universe or Source, that higher power that IS. FEEL that this higher power truly works through all of us, all day, everyday. Our happiness and joy truly is "The Universes/Gods" happiness and joy.
Know that what you think and say, create your life, Your THOUGHTS expand God...
"Be happy where you are RIGHT NOW, and watch where it takes you"

Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Boomerang Effect

A friend was telling me about how her grown granddaughter has come to live with her and how the granddaughter isn't happy and she is making my friends home an unhappy place to live.
My friend is putting a positive spin on it and working on being positive about it and doing things HOPING it will make her granddaughter happy, even purchasing a ticket to another country so her grandaughter could visit a boyfriend. This temporarily relieved my friend of this negative influence on her home.
Well, the granddaughter came back to live with my friend and she is back to square one. I will say this is not the first time my friend has done something wonderful for her granddaughter only to have it come back around, leaving her in the same place as before. I call this the boomerang effect. Let me repeat, You CANNOT Control outside circumstances the more you try, the more it will come back to bite you.
You are only responsible for YOURSELF, so you have to change the way YOU look at the situation and ask yourself how do I feel about the situation and if you are feeling NOT GOOD about a situation, change what YOU think and how YOU feel about the situation.
It is NOT your responsibility to make someone happy, nor is it anyone elses responsibility to make you happy.
In this situation I understand my friends view, she doesn't want to hurt feelings but my friend is not happy either. Take the steps to make YOU happy, I told my friend, it is ok to ask her granddaughter to leave, yes the granddaughter will probably get angry, yes, the granddaughter will be nice and accommodating for a short period of time to attempt to change her grandmothers mind. AND what my friend should do is hold steadfast to what she KNOWS to be her truth, which is she wants her beautiful, zenful, sanctuary of a home back, she needs to visualize the place as she knows it to be, she needs to say this IS MY sanctuary. I am HAPPY in my space. She needs to feel good about her home in any situation.
When you think and do the way you have always thought and done, you will always get what you always gotten, how do we change what we get?
Change YOUR perspective on a situation.
THINK POSITIVELY about the situation AND visualize what you want.
Get yourself into a GOOD FEELING place about the situation.
You are ONLY responsible for YOU.
Stay tuned for a process that can help...
more soon

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Worry Wednesdays

My friend Anita was telling us about a conversation she was in with a friend who worried ALOT. A suggestion was made that they pick a day and time to just worry and worry about everything for the week in this time.
Well of course, we decided that we would pick wednesdays at 12:00pm and worry for 15 minutes, so from 12:00pm-12:15pm, stop and worry about everything you have to worry about for the week and then do lunch.
Some people ask, Anna, you tell us to think and speak positively and then you say worry at a specific time and day? Well if you are part of the group that no longer worries, then kudos to you...keep on keepin' on and smile and chuckle with "the worriers". I also want you to note that when you do worry like that you are still sending out into the universe your desires and what you really want. Now as you go about the rest of your "happy" week, a few things will start will eventually NOT have to sit and worry on your wednesday AND thinGs that you have been wanting will start manifesting themselves into your reality...hmmmm....something to THINK about...are you really THE MASTER OF YOUR OWN THOUGHTS?? Why yes you are!
so think good thoughts AND dream BIG DREAMS!!
Be happy where you are and watch where it takes you!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Stressifest to Manifest...what?

My neice brought me a message from a mutal friend, he said "tell Anna that i don't manifest, I stressifest". We got a good laugh out of this and at a glance, it is so true, we can stress our selves out and get 'er done! But when you step back, do you really? Do you notice that the more you stress AND get it done, THE MORE you STRESS and get it done? I used to do this, when my brother and I were business partners in our first print shop, we would procrastinate until we couldn't procrastinate anymore and then we "POWER HOUSED IT"! It's what we called working our butts off 24/7 until we got the work done. Funny, we did this every week for a while...stressing ourselves out and then working like maniacs to finish all the work. It was a pattern that kept showing up until finally WE GOT IT!! We kept getting the same because we were telling the universe this is how we did things and obviously we KNOW what we want and WE create our own reality. In reality we were just creating a spiral of craziness around us until we couldn't take it and "SOMETHING HAD TO GIVE". NOW, I take a step back when things start getting a little hectic, don't want to send the wrong signal, and I say, "Thank you for this project we are working on and we ARE good at what we do AND our customer will appreciate the time and energy we are putting into their project all will get done in good time". It's amazing how time will stretch, how clients are understanding AND appreciative. How things run smoother, better and even faster when we think positively FIRST, then DO SECOND.
Next time you start "stressifesting" stop and CHANGE YOUR MIND, take a deep breathe and then relax into what you are doing..."Be Happy Where You ARE And Watch Where It Takes You"!

Remember Law of Attraction works all day everyday, 24 hours a day 7 days a week, wether you USE it or not. "Your thoughts become things, so choose the good ones"!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Getting what you want!

Today, more than ever, we are living in fast moving energy, want proof?? You are reading this right now. Where are you? I am in Atlanta, Georgia, you could be my neighbor or you could be the person across the world, not a few years ago would you imagine (or maybe you did) that you could communicate like this. You want more proof, look at your life from the outside, really look at your your life from the inside? Do they match up...I can almost guarantee you, if you are happy and joyful, your insides probably match your outside. If you are unhappy, complain, get angry, depressed etc. I bet your inside (what you want) is no where near your outside. Time for a change of THOUGHT...don't you think...Step one for getting what you want, Ask for it and then FEEL GOOD in knowing it is on its way to you...

Monday, March 2, 2009

Makin' Plans? Check your thoughts and emotions...twice

Whatever you're thinking about is literally like planning a future event.
When you're worrying, you are planning.
When you are appreciating, you are planning
...What are you planning?

Excerpted from the workshop in Silver Spring, MD on Saturday, April 19th, 1997

Anytime, anytime you are consciously aware of an emotion, the emotion
is authentic feedback. Every time, no exceptions.

Abraham 2/19/09

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Change is the one thing many people are afraid of, yet it IS the most consistant thing in our lives. Most of us don't notice the changes because they are either baby step changes or slow changes and we just let it happen to us.
FACT: You will change (wether you like it or not) If you don't think so just look back on the last month, year, 5 years, 10years...don't stay there long..but just notice, oh so briefly, the CHANGES that have happened. Now come back to the present with me...Why not GUIDE your changes? How? change the way you think about things. Start right now to LISTEN to the "mind chatter" what are you saying to yourself? What "stories" are you telling yourself AND other people. Are they positive, uplifting stories? are they negative fearful or hateful stories? Are they stories like "oh whoa is me?" Are you caught up in someone elses' story? When I write story I mean you, you, and only you! YOU are the ONLY one YOU can control & change. YOU have the power to change YOU and noone else. If your stories or conversations are positive and uplifting GOOD FOR YOU! Keep it up. If your stories or conversations are of any other nature...turn it around...not happy with your boss? What are your bosses good qualities? Lost your job? Instead of moping around, start thinking of what you REALLY want to do...don't come from a place of lack...come from a place of infinite possibilities!!
Life is like a lemon so squeeze the daylights out of it!!! (In a good way of course)
Have A Great Day!!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Journey of life

1) You have to make YOU happy..if you rely on someone else to do this for you, you are in for big upsets.
2) YOU CANNOT CONTROL OUTSIDE i need to repeat that?? This is our number one biggest hangup...we want someone to do something for us first or be a certain way, THEN we will be happy first and then notice what people do for you and then appreciate them for it and tell them so....
3) whatever you think about you become...if you continue to think the way you have always thought, you will continue to get, what you have always got...
4) Wether you tell yourself you can or can't, you are always right...
5) Your thoughts are things, CHOOSE THE GOOD ONES!
6) Tell those around you that you love and appreciate them and tell them in a BIG WAY!! You never know when at a moment either of you could be taken out of this physical world!!

Sometimes in the craziness of life, we just need to stop and take a look at where we are, right now, this moment and be thankful.
Sometimes that is not an easy thing to do, but i PROMISE, if you take that little bit of info and practice it a little each day, you will see a change, a shift, not only in how you think, but how you feel.
I am not into telling stories, not the kind that are full of oh whoa is me.
What i will tell you is i have had my moments (months) of dispair, anguish, fear, depression, anxiety. There was the grief counseling and the MDs wanting me to take anti-drepressants, i got on line to find "help" groups etc. What i found was MORE of that...and i didn't want MORE of that...then the pray, pray, pray....then the LORD JUST TAKE ME NOW!!!
What happened next was the answer, Christmas 2007, i was given the most wonderful gift by my friend Mary. Mary gave me a book and a CD. The book was "Power of Emotions" by Abraham-Hicks and the CD was also by the same authors and about death and dying and grief.
While i was reading the book there was a "lightbulb" moment for me...and it is that you have to be happy and joyful WITHIN yourself first, get there by any means.
You can not be totally in dispair and in a moment be totally happy. It is a process....take small steps.
I woke up each morning and decided to find something, ANYTHING to make me happy, my partner, my son, my home, my studio ANYTHING!!!
On my way to my studio i would look at the sky and say THANK YOU, one morning i noticed new grass on the side of the road and it was the most amazing green...
i started appreciating where i was, not where i had been and then i could see where i was going.

What happened to me will happen to all of us at some time in our lives and that is to lose someone we love dearly.
I lost one of my best friends, my mom. I now realize that when i was in a place of grief and dispair, i wasn't in a place of connecting with her on a different level. Now i feel her energy around me and it makes me happy!
If i could go back and change it all?? YES, i miss her physical hugs the most. Obviously i can not and i KNOW she wants us, her family, to be happy and i am living up to that.
..oh mom, in life AND in physical death, you are still teaching me...THANK YOU!! i appreciate you ALWAYS!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Our True Fear

A new friend of mine just emailed this to me and I wanted to share, it is by Nelson Mandella:
"Our deepest fear is not that we are
inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond
measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens
us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,
talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a
child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other
people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to
shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory
of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in
everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously
give other people permission to do the same. As we are
liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically
liberates others."

Thanks Jean!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Bible reveals "The Secret"

The question in my mind and others is, how do religion and "law of attraction" work together?
"Law of Attraction" IS the basis of ALL religion.
It is the very foundation that our FAITH is based on...BELIEVING in a higher power, BELIEVING in a greater good. That GOOD IS YOU, BELIEVE IN YOU, the higher power, Source, Universe, God work through you, you ARE an extension of God.
Law of Attraction IS a law, just like gravity IS a law, it works all the time, everyday, 365 days a year, 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
The following are pulled from the Bible...BELIEVE it..or not...

For a man thinketh in his heart, so is he...Proverb 23:7

Whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive...Matthew 22:21

Whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. Mark 11:23

Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Phil. 4:8

Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek and ye shall find; knock and it shall be open unto you. Matthew 7:7

What are you asking for? What do you appreciate? What do you believe? How do you feel? What are you thinking?

You are a creator, you can be a DELIBERATE creator...
Have fun, God has a BIG sense of humor!! Well, that is my opinion and I'm sticking to it!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

What If for the Better

I woke up this morning with this thought, so me any way.
If you are NOT getting the results you want, how are you looking at it?... are you viewing it from a place of lack? or are looking FORWARD to when you WILL get what you want and you can see yourself there with the very thing(s) in the very space that you have been dreaming about?!
Take a moment and see yourself already there, already driving the new car, living in the new house or YOU just BEING HAPPY...FEEL how it FEELs, FEEL how you FEEL!! Work yourself into a FEEL GOOD place about it!
I know sometimes the thoughts about the lack and "oh whoa is me" creep up, I will tell you that you cannot totally eliminate these thoughts but you CAN OVERRIDE THEM, think something new...think "what if for the better".
What if I find the better job or opportunity to push me ahead, what if i see my partner, friend, lover, kids, in a different light and they are happy. When you catch yourself playing the what if in the negative, turn it around, catch yourself and think, say or do, the opposite.
Be easy on yourself, changing your thoughts and habits is not always an easy process but when it happens you will FEEL such a shift in your thinking, it IS amazing.
Start where you are, your past does not dictate your future, you are magnificent!
"What if" I'm right?

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Letting go, gets you where you want to go...

If you could get to the place where you no longer feel a need to push against anything that you disagree with--you would become in alignment with what you do agree with. Even within your own body, it is your pushing against those things you don't agree with that causes you to be out of alignment with what you do agree.
--- Abraham

FEEL your way!!

So, the truth is, there's not one path. The truth is, there's not only one right path. The truth is, all paths can be made to be the right path. The truth is, that every individual has a different path. And that different path that every individual is launching incrementally—and amending constantly—that true path is known by Source and is guided by Source if you will pay attention to the way you feel.
--- Abraham

Friday, February 6, 2009

Take Responsibilty

Dream Dream Dream

Just love everybody that interacts with you no matter how personally, or how peripherally, involved with you they are. The efficiency of the people who deal with you... everything is orchestrated by the manager called Law of Attraction. And your vibration is setting all of it into motion. Everything affecting you is a reflection of the vibration that you are emitting. Spend more time focused upon your dream than upon the reality. The reality gives birth to the dream -- but the dream is where you are wanting to put your attention. --- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Houston, TX on Saturday, January 13th, 2001

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Ask and it is Given...ALWAYS!! Part 1 of 3

When you ask, it is always given.
There are three steps to this creative process.
The first step is: Life causes you to ask. Some say, "I don't think I should ask for so much", and we say, you can't help it.

The entire Universe has been established, and when you are this genius leading edge creator that you are; and you are surrounded by details, comparisons, experiences, as you're exposed to the variety and details of life; your thinking mechanism automatically comes to new conclusions constantly of what would be improvement. And that is such a good thing. Even if you are a one celled organism, that's true of you. Even if you are a one celled amoeba in the ocean, you are exposed to experience that is causing you to come to new conclusions and the source within you turns undivided attention to that new conclusion and that is what causes the evolution of all species, you see.


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Ideas to stimulate your “creative” side

Shower or bath with your eyes closed

Your sense of touch helps your brain create a layout or map of your shower or tub.
Other senses are heightened when one sense is taken away.
The smell of your soap, shampoo and conditioner will appear more intense, you will find that even “odorless” items have an odor.

All with your left

Brush your teeth, brush your hair, shave, eat breakfast or drink your coffee or juice with the “oposite” hand than you are used to...
this makes you more aware of what you are doing, you will notice things that you haven’t noticed before, the “way” you brush your teeth, your hair etc.

Put your shoes (and socks) on in the opposite way.

If you usually put your left shoe on first, then right, switch, put your right shoe on first, then left...sense your “self” knowing that something is different..

Do these exercises for 30 days they will hep you notice things that you would otherwise ignore.

Another brain exercise you can do every day is connect things.
For example, any time you surf the web - always think of what new things you are learning related to things you already know. Notice things you’ve been talking or thinking about and watch as some information appears somewhere with an answer or perspective to what you have been thinking about.
Personal Example: My partner and I were talking about finding specific types of photographers, within 2 days of the conversation I noticed someone sent me a link to be “friends” with a photographer on facebook AND I met an old classmate that does the very type of photography we were looking for...
Beginning to automatically see and make these connections in your mind makes you more creative and allows you KNOW that YOU create YOUR OWN solutions and opens you up to new ways of doing things.

Everyone IS creative...tell yourself YOU ARE...

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Know This.

The answers ARE within YOU. You are your own treasure chest, all you need is the key

"The Key" is the ability to program your subconscious mind, once you understand how to change your paridigms, YOU WILL change your life.

"Believe" in the good, wellness, inspiration, strength, and prosperity and your subconscious mind will give you just that...

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Your Story

It doesn't cost anything to be hopeful.
It doesn't cost anything to tell a positive story.
It doesn't cost anything to dream the dream, to tell the story!
It doesn't cost anything to tell the story.

And you know what? You tell that story often enough, you'll believe it!

And when you believe it, you're in the vortex. And the Universe has to give
it to you.

If there's something that you want, and you're not getting it, it's only
because you don't believe it. And you say, "I believe it." And we say, "You
can't believe it, because if you believed it, you'd be living it."

And you say, "I sort of, kind of, believe it on rare occasions."

You gotta give it more air time!!!

Excerpts from Denver 7/12/08 Abraham-Hicks (thing you want the universe to solve, make that intention. )

Oh, I forget to tell you the SECRET, if you don’t already know....the big secret, and you have had it all along, is that you have the ability to reprogram your subconscious mind.

Your subconscious mind has the infinite power to help get what you want.
If you want to get scientific about it, we are all energy, our bodies & especially our minds. Once you learn to “believe” in what you tell yourself you will override the negative thoughts and actions, you will become a magnet to what you want and it will be as easy as breathing. (Your subconscious mind controls your breathing)

Affirmations are a great way to help reprogram your subconscious mind.
Acknowledge your successes, little ones as well as big ones
Take compliments with a simple “Thank You”,
Give genuine compliments with no expectations

Here are some statements/affirmations...they are whatever you would like to call them, when you see a "_______________" insert your own words:

For Aquiring things

"That_________is mine. I accept it mentally, and my subconscious sees to it thet I receive it."

For Relationships
"I am wanted, I am loved, I am happily________to a kind, loving and spiritual_______I am secure and fullfilled"

As you read or say these statements, do it with feeling AND be open to receive...
as above, it cost nothing to tell the story, so why not tell it the way YOU want it to be.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Relax, Relax, easy about it.

This post is more of an observation of my day, now that i am MORE aware of my thoughts AND how they make me feel.
Let me start by saying my partner is a natural child birth instructor and doula, basically she is "on-call" for her expectant moms...AND as birthing is now (i just found out), apparently, a non-stoppable event, our days have been filled with working our studio, classes, and leisure time around pregnant folks and due dates that are not locked in stone.
Well, just before one of my LOA meetups (lastnight), the "super doula" hotline goes off, and, i have now been a single parent for over 24 hours.
Me, being a recovering workaholic, i am now playing "only" parent to a toddler who doesn't keep time, have an organizer, cel phone, client list, class schedule or (as i observed) does what he wants to do, when he wants to do it... hmmm...what a concept...My first thought was "MY LIST"...of things to do...i did accomplish quite a bit before he even woke up but it is only thursday and i'm adding more than subtracting.
I did rearrange a few appointments and i set my intentions that when he did get up we would HAVE FUN, PLAY, hurry no rush, just relax into it, go with him, have fun!
My observation was/is by doing this "going with the flow" it seemed that the time stood still for us. We were both happy, laughing, smiling, we read 2 books, brushed teeth etc. My appreciation went from happy to ecstactic. What an amazing morning AND an amazing day. We took our time, enjoyed our time together, when it was time to head out, i had no complaints from him, we ran errands, made it to the studio and the day seemed to flow "like butter".
When you FEEL hurried or rush, take a moment, STOP, enjoy that moment, be in that moment, resume what you are doing when you feel better...then watch your day is amazing.
You are where you are AND it's ok!
Here's another process you can use...Abraham calls it the "Placemat Technique".
When you have a list that seems overwhelming....
Take a piece of paper and on the left side write down the things that YOU WILL DO that day, not everything you need to do but truly what you promise you will do, then on the right side make a list for "God", "Source", "The Universe" to do...You've heard the saying "Let Go, Let God"...let it go...
My appreciation for the day...i appreciate the expectant families who allow me wonderful one on one time with my son!

Believing is seeing

Everything is perspective & illusion, change the way you see, say & think and you will change your life.
When we view someone or something with negative emotion, we are giving ourselves a signal that we are not being true to our inner selves (it really has nothing to do with the other person or thing, that is just what we are looking at or using as our objective of negativity).
TURN IT AROUND...instead of dwelling on the negative, ask yourself...what is the postitive aspect(s) of this person or thing. FEEL the ease that flows through you when you even just ask the question, now answer the question, feel the negativity start to list or give more.
positive aspects of this person or thing and you will find your entire PERSPECTIVE of this person or thing start to shift, soon you may even have a big smile when thinking about this person or thing.
Create a notebook or journal of people, places, things. Take a page for each, put a name or place or thing at the top of the page then list the POSITIVE aspects of the person, place or thing. Do this when you get frustrated or mad or sad...FEEL how things will turn around....
"curious...very curious"
This is 1 of several processes as told to us by Abraham
check out for more yummi LOA info

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Lack of Wellness

Any disease (DIS EASE, LACK OF EASE) is brought on by what we are thinking...hard to believe, but we create our own reality, yes we would like to blame it on someone else, of attraction teaches us that we do it all ourselves, yes we MAY LET others influence us AND we have TOTAL CONTROL OVER OURSELVES.
Choose to be happy, healthy, wealthy and may say YEAH RIGHT but just say “every day, in every way, i keep getting better and better” a few (8 ) times a day before you go to bed and when you get up...FEEL the difference. OH, try not to watch any horror or spooky stuff just before you go to bed...try comedy...also don't buy into the news, it's none of our business...concentrate on yourself...

Be Happy Where You Are And Watch Where It Takes You!!