Friday, March 12, 2010

Life Changes!

This has been an interesting year. I see more of what I want coming into my life and of course releasing what I do not want as well...
I realize that contrast is just the universes way of "showing" the shifts. If we are content with where we are, we wouldn't seek change (you are always seeking change whether consciously or subconsciously), and as ever expanding humans, we are here to experience, grow and that being written, change IS good! Allow, allow the change and get into the space of KNOWing that the "source" part of you KNOWS what you want based on the "vibes" you are putting when you are looking at "what you don't want" ask your self "what do you want?" and ASK for what you want, it is that simple!! Get into a place of seeking the better feeling thought about ANY situation and KNOW that when you can change your thoughts you can change your life!! start NOW and it will get easier and easier and better and better!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Who are you?

You came into this human existence to expand, to grow, to BEcome MORE JOYful, MORE Happy, MORE than what you are right now AND yes, you CAN BEcome MORE! You are not here to criticize yourself, judge yourself or others. It IS all about unconditional love, not only for others, it starts with YOU! How do YOU FEEL about YOU? it is a question most of us avoid, we would rather concentrate on other peoples "stuff" than BE happy within ourselves! We are JOYful HAPPY BEings! It FEELS good to FEEL good!! To be anything less IS to be less for everything!
You are like a magnet "like attracts like" what you focus on expands.. what are you focusing on? The abundance or The lack? It IS your choice! yes, you.. only you can effect you, only you can ALLOW someone else to make you FEEL bad, sad, mad!! Who are you giving your power to? It IS your power, wield it for your greater good, wield it lovingly. Allow yourself to BE, DO, HAVE and when you take care of you, guess what? Everything, person, place around you gets taken care of...hmmm..words (FEELINGS) for thought!(and we all KNOW, thought preceeds ACTION)!
"be happy where you are and watch where it takes you"