Shower or bath with your eyes closed
Your sense of touch helps your brain create a layout or map of your shower or tub.
Other senses are heightened when one sense is taken away.
The smell of your soap, shampoo and conditioner will appear more intense, you will find that even “odorless” items have an odor.
All with your left
Brush your teeth, brush your hair, shave, eat breakfast or drink your coffee or juice with the “oposite” hand than you are used to...
this makes you more aware of what you are doing, you will notice things that you haven’t noticed before, the “way” you brush your teeth, your hair etc.
Put your shoes (and socks) on in the opposite way.
If you usually put your left shoe on first, then right, switch, put your right shoe on first, then left...sense your “self” knowing that something is different..
Do these exercises for 30 days they will hep you notice things that you would otherwise ignore.
Another brain exercise you can do every day is connect things.
For example, any time you surf the web - always think of what new things you are learning related to things you already know. Notice things you’ve been talking or thinking about and watch as some information appears somewhere with an answer or perspective to what you have been thinking about.
Personal Example: My partner and I were talking about finding specific types of photographers, within 2 days of the conversation I noticed someone sent me a link to be “friends” with a photographer on facebook AND I met an old classmate that does the very type of photography we were looking for...
Beginning to automatically see and make these connections in your mind makes you more creative and allows you KNOW that YOU create YOUR OWN solutions and opens you up to new ways of doing things.
Everyone IS creative...tell yourself YOU ARE...
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