Friday, July 31, 2009

What's Going Good for You?

Interesting question, yes? Different? It FEELs different, makes you take a look see AND you can FEEL GOOD answering!
Sooooo, What's Going Good for you today?
What are you appreciating today? Right now?
Have a GREAT DAY!!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Living your future now!

I was invited to a presentation recently and the presenter said something that didn't resonate first she said "You are living your future now".
My understanding that we do a lot of things based on our past and our "programs" by parents, teachers etc. AND as we realize this we start to change our ways of thinking and start to override our current thoughts, this of course creates feelings/emotions, changing our vibration (energy level, because we are all energy) and this brings on changes in you, your life...your future.
Do you KNOW that every time you think you create?
You LIVE the residual of your past thoughts, right now.... so as you begin to THINK BETTER FEELING THOUGHTS, you WILL see an improvement in your physical existence, your NOW.
BE appreciative of the NOW, even though you THINK, it may not be perfect, it IS all you have, until you THINK it different.
Give yourself KUDOS for the small successes as well as the big successes. Open yourself up to all that IS possible AND all that IS right now in this moment.
"You are where you are, at it's ok!"

Just Being ...

BE in the journey of everyday-
BE in the joy of life-
BE in the contrast and bless it for making you more aware of what you already knew-
BE silent in the chaos-
BE happy in the rain-
KNOW your extreme wellness, even in the pain-
LIVE for yourself, only then can you "pass it on" -
LOVE unconditionally, now, the game of life you have won-

Sunday, July 19, 2009

i gotta whole bag of Shhh, if you need some help...

I have been fascinated by Reiki and have been really paying attention to what is happening and my FEELINGS.
I found this simple technique to be quite AMAZING with "Letting Go" of negative "stuff" in my life....
Try it out and see how you feel. Give your self at least 10-15 minutes a day....twice a day if possible..

1. Be QUIET (Shut up). Shhh, not a word - it's not necessary.
2. Listen. Shhh, not a word, be quiet - it comes as a whisper.
3. Slow down. Shhh, not a word. Right now there is nothing else you need ‘to do’. Just ‘be’ here, now.
4. Observe. Shhh, be silent.

SEE colors, movements, shadows, mannerisms, spaces, time, grass grow.

LISTEN to noise, silence, whispers on the wind, your breath, your inner voice...

If you have trouble quieting your mind at first, put on some relaxing music and just LISTEN.

Can't be quiet cold turkey? Try this..

Get yourself something to drink...juice, coffee, tea AND SIP IT!! Don't gulp, take time to enjoy...IN SILENCE

Pet an animal...IN SILENCE. You actually don't need to verbally communicate with your pets, they "sense" your energy and will respond accordingly...

Take time for you and see how easily your life flows!!
