Sunday, March 15, 2009

Stressifest to Manifest...what?

My neice brought me a message from a mutal friend, he said "tell Anna that i don't manifest, I stressifest". We got a good laugh out of this and at a glance, it is so true, we can stress our selves out and get 'er done! But when you step back, do you really? Do you notice that the more you stress AND get it done, THE MORE you STRESS and get it done? I used to do this, when my brother and I were business partners in our first print shop, we would procrastinate until we couldn't procrastinate anymore and then we "POWER HOUSED IT"! It's what we called working our butts off 24/7 until we got the work done. Funny, we did this every week for a while...stressing ourselves out and then working like maniacs to finish all the work. It was a pattern that kept showing up until finally WE GOT IT!! We kept getting the same because we were telling the universe this is how we did things and obviously we KNOW what we want and WE create our own reality. In reality we were just creating a spiral of craziness around us until we couldn't take it and "SOMETHING HAD TO GIVE". NOW, I take a step back when things start getting a little hectic, don't want to send the wrong signal, and I say, "Thank you for this project we are working on and we ARE good at what we do AND our customer will appreciate the time and energy we are putting into their project all will get done in good time". It's amazing how time will stretch, how clients are understanding AND appreciative. How things run smoother, better and even faster when we think positively FIRST, then DO SECOND.
Next time you start "stressifesting" stop and CHANGE YOUR MIND, take a deep breathe and then relax into what you are doing..."Be Happy Where You ARE And Watch Where It Takes You"!

Remember Law of Attraction works all day everyday, 24 hours a day 7 days a week, wether you USE it or not. "Your thoughts become things, so choose the good ones"!

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