Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Worry Wednesdays

My friend Anita was telling us about a conversation she was in with a friend who worried ALOT. A suggestion was made that they pick a day and time to just worry and worry about everything for the week in this time.
Well of course, we decided that we would pick wednesdays at 12:00pm and worry for 15 minutes, so from 12:00pm-12:15pm, stop and worry about everything you have to worry about for the week and then do lunch.
Some people ask, Anna, you tell us to think and speak positively and then you say worry at a specific time and day? Well if you are part of the group that no longer worries, then kudos to you...keep on keepin' on and smile and chuckle with "the worriers". I also want you to note that when you do worry like that you are still sending out into the universe your desires and what you really want. Now as you go about the rest of your "happy" week, a few things will start happening...you will eventually NOT have to sit and worry on your wednesday AND thinGs that you have been wanting will start manifesting themselves into your reality...hmmmm....something to THINK about...are you really THE MASTER OF YOUR OWN THOUGHTS?? Why yes you are!
so think good thoughts AND dream BIG DREAMS!!
Be happy where you are and watch where it takes you!

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