Today 6 years ago the most contrasty thing happened to my family.
My mom left this physical realm and returned to Source.
In the almost 2 years following I dropped my energy and stayed in a place of grief and depression.
I finally realized that this was my choice and I was the only one that could change things for me.
On this journey some 6 years later I have shifted my energy.
This journey has been a process of reminding myself of who I truly am and what it is I truly want in this physical realm.
I have asked the question AM I worthy of living my dreams?
Do I appreciate me for the life that I have created?
I see myself in this space of my reality and I get tickled at the people, places and things that have shown up for me to help me co create my experience.
I have really learned that interacting instead of reacting yields a very different result for me and my perspective AND, it IS always my perspective.
I LOVE this life, it is amazing. We humans are amazing.
My hope is that more people realize that this existence is short here and we should do our best to live in a happy joyous way that permeates every corner of our world.
In this unconditional love LIFE is delicious!
Espavo my friends, you are appreciated!
"where ever you go, there you are"
"be happy where you are and watch where it takes you!"