You start from where you are right now! It is all you have.
You may want some "thing" else AND as you long for "it" you only push it away for all you are focusing on is "the lack" of this thing.
In life there is wellness and the lack of wellness, prosperity and the lack of prosperity, joyfulness and the lack of joyfulness etc. you get the picture... AND which one are you LOOKING at? Which one are you focusing on?
FEELING the wellness brings you more of that, FEELING the lack of wellness (sickness) only brings you more of that...
FEELING the prosperity brings you more of that, FEELING the lack of prosperity (being broke..the "I can't afford syndrome") only brings you more of that...
FEELING the joyfulness brings you more of that, FEELING the lack of joyfulness (sadness, depression etc.) only brings you more of that...
How do you FEEL? The idea is to always look for the "better feeling" thought...
don't look at the problem, look at THE SOLUTION, LOVE the solution!
Love your self!!
You ARE a magnet and LIKE attracts LIKE... what are you attracting?
Wanna change it?
Start Here...